Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hate Mail- Bring It On!

I was planning on publishing a different post highlighting some inconsistencies amongst the Republican candidates running for President of the United States, but I had to take a break from that to publish and lament on a piece of hate mail I received this morning. I am publishing this because I do not submit to Islamic oppression, smears, and fear tactics to shut me up. Plus, I’m in a comical mood so why not have some fun doing so, right?

Just to clarify for everyone, this message I received from an acquaintance actually has less to do with my blog posts and more to do with my Facebook posts, where I have expressed some opinions on US foreign policy, especially in regards to Israel. However, the point in this is not to defend my position on Israel (if you are interested in understanding why Israel has a right to exist, then check out this excellent op-ed: Israel Has a Moral Right to Its Life).

Let the fun begin!

The Hate Mail:
You know Chris, for someone who bitches, moans, and cries about freedom so much, it's astonishing to see what a hypocrite you are, since all your "values" and "principles" seem to disappear when it comes to international issues such as this. It's funny how you feel like YOU and every other American have the right to tell sovereign people and sovereign nations what to do, who to vote for, and what country to unjustly give their land away to. Last I checked, FREEDOM means being able to chose for yourself what (or who) to follow, believe in, and what actions to take. 
The sad part about this is that people like YOU are the reason America is in the shithole that it is today and the reason why it will continually on this path down Destruction Lane domestically while unfairly imposing its will internationally and backing a country and a movement (Zionism) which is more destructive to itself and the rest of humanity (yes, even worse than socialism and Hitler's Nazism) than any form of terrorism it so vehemently tries to fight.
Watch this video, learn a thing a thing or two, and get your facts straight before arguing with me and telling me some bullshit that can basically be summed up like this:
"israel is just a weak, innocent country trying to defend itself against crazy lunatic hostile terrorist enemies-- enemies who have no right to say NO to American invasion of THEIR countries because America is always right, and it shall be so till the end of time ,or till the Zionists have taken over every piece of land in the middle east and claim it was theirs from the start. And if any of these "anti-semites" try to defend their land and their innocent lives, we shall call them "TERRORISTS" and kill them without any logical reasoning whatsoever! Because THIS is the true American way, my friend!"
Here's a simple analogy for you: If you woke up and saw strangers camping out in your backyard, you wouldn't be inviting them in for some snacks would you?? Damn right you ain't, especially when they burn it front porch down and claim the house was theirs to begin with anyways, and that you just happen to be living's the problem: you can't kick em out either, cuz the cops--who are supposedly there to enforce justice and the law-- are on THEIR side, and are the ones providing them with their ammunition.
Oh shit, that's not right, now, is it?? Didn't think so! Throw out the double standard and realize what a racist Neonazi you are (along with all your friends in Fox News and most of the morons running our government)....And most importantly, stop taking this great country, its principles, and its dignity down the drain with such retarded thoughts!
P.S. Don't be like the ignorant, retarded girl in this video, with nonsensical crocodile tears... man up, get your facts straight, and quit preaching shit you clearly don't follow or believe in!! The united states has no right brown-nosing into foreign affairs that don't concern itself, and you have NO right labeling innocent people losing their lives trying to protect THEIR land (from intruders and bullies) as "terrorists"! And if you and people with your philosophy choose to keep doing so, YOU GUYS are the true terrorists...or should I just say Zionist.
Either way, people who truly believe in Judaism know the truth and the evils of this movement, so get your head out of your ass and do some actual research before spreading your false propaganda and trying to brainwash innocent people!


First Things First:
I’m not sure when I have ever exercised my “right to tell sovereign people and sovereign nations what to do, who to vote for, and what country to unjustly give their land away to.” I may have exercised my first amendment rights and gave my opinion on foreign issues. Speech is speech. Action is action, and none was taken to enforce my will on any people. Freedom is the absence of physical force, and none was unleashed by me.

I’m confused about Destruction Lane being a proper noun. Was he referring to Destruction Lane in Dartmouth, Massachusetts? I have yet to hear of the entire nation marching down this particular street (perhaps, because it’s a dead end... oh, the irony!).

In terms of people like me being responsible for America’s decline, I’ll say this: hurling names and insults does NOTHING in cultivating the health and vitality of our democratic republic. NOTHING.

I find it funny and ironic one would lob accusations of Nazism towards me while simultaneously spouting anti-Israel and anti-Jewish statements. Last time I checked, the Nazis were not proponents of a state of Israel and, as we know, exterminated millions of Jews. Help me here. Am I missing something? 

Also, he may want to crunch those numbers again. How many people were slaughtered by Hitler and Stalin? How about Islamo-fascism? Juxtapose those figures to deaths caused by civilized people simply trying to defend their homeland. Who is the threat to humanity, again?

I flat out deny being a terrorist (who honestly didn't see that coming? LOL) and find it to be a huge insult not to me but to the victims of actual terrorism. It’s shameful that this “man” put the word terrorist in quotes, when referring to actual terrorists, as if to say they are not. It’s rather scary if you think about it. You can tell he sympathizes with rights-violators and mass-murderers. This guy makes Hammurabi’s code of an “eye for an eye” look meek. He is actually insinuating that the act of “stealing” justifies mass-murder.

Let me also make something else clear. Since coming across Objectivist philosophy, I’ve engaged in a bit of self-teaching in order to gain a deeper understanding of these principles, and my blog and Facebook has served as a conduit for further exploring this philosophy. It is relatively new to me (about 2 years). I’ve certainly made mistakes and do a great deal of pondering when an error in my logic is brought to my attention. I welcome such notifications. A reasonable person is not necessarily just someone who is perfectly grounded in reason (these are definitely few and far between), but also one who actively seeks to arrive at truth, embraces logic and reason, and is open to fixing those errors in one’s logic when one comes across them. I’m not exactly sure how this makes me a “terrorist.” This particular attack reminded me of a comment someone once made towards me, saying that I’m “dangerous” because I “sound right” (I took that one as a compliment). However, you do see vilification of this sort from actual tyrannical regimes out to stifle free speech. To equate acts of terrorism to one opining on political matters is flat out disgraceful. Who's the Nazi?

And honestly, with all my advocacy of individual rights, isn’t calling me a terrorist like saying the Pope is a secular man?

Foreign Policy:
I have some sympathy for this person here. His anger is genuine (why it’s directed towards me, I’m not so sure). America’s foreign policy is a complete and total mess and inconsistent with American values. We should definitely not be supporting brutal dictators around the world and we certainly should not be funneling money in foreign aid to any nation, let alone nations who despise us. Any type of welfare system funded by money that was forced out of the hands of working people who earned it is blatantly immoral as it is a violation of rights. That includes not only welfare to people and corporations, but nations as well.  

Israel merely needs and warrants our moral support as a, relatively speaking, rights-respecting republic. After all, it is not a crime to be an Arab in Israel. Juxtapose that fact alone to the Palestinian agenda, and you can see why morality is on the side of Israel. It is quite clear this tirade is based on utter hatred of the Jewish people and ignorance of the true motives of the so-called “innocent” palestinian savages. The Palestinians made it quite clear that they do not want peace, but Israel’s outright destruction, to wipe out the only civilized race in the entire area. It is said that if the Palestinians put down their weapons there would be peace; if Israel laid down its weapons, there would be a second holocaust. 

The funniest thing about this whole tirade is that this guy seems to believe that somehow I affect foreign policy decisions. This alone had me rolling on the floor laughing. All I can say is “I wish!” And even with the ego I have, I’ll reluctantly admit I have no power or political pull in such affairs. Please, I appreciate all the credit, but I have not earned it...yet (cue spooky music). 

Crocodile Tears:
I was quite puzzled by his assertion that I’d cry “crocodile tears.” I’m not sure what he could have been referring to, although, he could (and it’s quite a stretch) be referring to a rather emotionally-charged exchange we had via Facebook  back on September 11th. The following day I extended a hand of friendship and apologized, not on the substance of what I said, but on my delivery (in all honesty, he got me to that point spewing the similar garbage you see in his tirade above; just saying). Apparently he took my extended hand as a sign of weakness. Big mistake. 

He must not have realized in his spastic fit that the link was not complete. No video for me. *Sad face*

Final Word:
The only advice I have for this person is to channel all that energy towards doing something productive. Petition your government, start a blog like I have, or even join OWS and make a nifty sign (I hear the “99%” has dwindled to a mere 98.2%. You could be the .8% of the person you never knew you were!). I just couldn’t resist that one. 

With that said, as I’m approaching the completion of my first year as The Capitalist Warrior (December 26th, mark your calendars!), I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have read my material and contributed to civil discussion and debate about the issues I have raised both on my blog and Facebook. Warm wishes to all this holiday season and a very Merry Christmas to my fellow capitalist warriors (yes, Christmas symbolizes mutually beneficial trade)!


  1. *Reads first half of letter, thinks "Uh, this is hate mail?", pauses, begins second half, thinks "Oh... Oh... Ohhhh. Yup."*

  2. Well I am not sure who is right who is wrong in this decades old conflict between Israel & Palestine. But I would say this, We need the funds here in our country USA to support education, clean energy, help middle class, & poor people more than supporting Nuclear capable countries like Israel.

    p.s. US congress passed the bill last year to fund Israel's military with 30 billion dollars, I really believe that we could definitely find better use of these funds right here in US.
