Sunday, August 11, 2013

Surprise, Surprise—Hollywood Fails Capitalism 101

In deciding what movie to see this weekend, I decided to go with The Wolverine over Elysium (basically because all I’ve heard about this movie is that it’s a socialist propaganda film) and save myself a headache. But leave it to Hollywood to turn any movie into an anti-capitalist manifesto. Karl Marx would be so proud.

I’ll get right to my issue with this film: The villain of the movie, known as Viper, describes herself as “a chemist, a nihilist, a capitalist….” Now, aside from the fact that such an attack on capitalism is expected from Hollywood (how many movies have been produced within the last decade alone where the villain is not a businessman or some profiteer out for blood?), what really had my eyes rolling is the fact that nihilism is packaged in with capitalism. They could not be more opposite.

Nihilism is basically the rejection of truth and reality and the embrace of destruction for the sake of destruction. It’s a creed held by the envious who believe they cannot lift themselves up so they find solace in tearing people down. The nihilists seek to destroy value wherever it exists because they are incapable of producing value themselves, even when that value produced by others benefits them. Nihilism is lose-lose.

Capitalism is the socio-economic system that rewards those who create value and trade value for value via the marketplace for personal profit. Success and prosperity goes to the best producer of value for their customers. Capitalism is win-win.

Packaging such premises together is just plain ignorant and dumb and just goes to show how egregious Hollywood can be in pushing an anti-capitalist agenda (no wonder they are such ardent supporters of President Obama).