When pressured by her own party to make a 'U-turn' and become more moderate in her mission of freeing up the British people and their economy, she resolutely responded "You turn if you want to. The lady's not for turning." Even the Soviets, ferverently trying to maintain their "Iron Curtain" grip on Eastern Europe, couldn't help but take notice of her ironclad backbone, dubbing her "The Iron Lady," a name she not only would embrace wholehartedly, but rightfully earned.
I can say with utter certitude that she was the last great leader this world has seen since and she serves as a model for future statesmen and states-ladies. If America, and the world for that matter, is to get out of this leadership crisis we are in, it would serve us well to take a few lessons from Maggie...
...And by lessons, I don't mean hijacking her legacy. Just a few short hours after her passing, President Obama, a man who has spoken quite openly about his contempt for freedom, released the following words that are quite telling (full statement can be found here):
"Michelle and I send our thoughts to the Thatcher family and all the British people as we carry on the work to which she dedicated her life—free peoples standing together, determined to write our own destiny."
"Michelle and I send our thoughts to the Thatcher family and all the British people as we carry on the work to which she dedicated her life—free peoples standing together, determined to write our own destiny."
Our Narcissist-in-Chief comparing himself to Maggie Thatcher is like Bernie Madoff comparing himself to John D. Rockefeller. In essence, no contest.
But Americans should not fret for there is something else to take away from Lady Thatcher's legacy—with good policy, a country can make a comeback. Our decline is not written in stone; it can be reversed. We just need to find the right people with the right ideas, and Maggie has proven it's possible.
But Americans should not fret for there is something else to take away from Lady Thatcher's legacy—with good policy, a country can make a comeback. Our decline is not written in stone; it can be reversed. We just need to find the right people with the right ideas, and Maggie has proven it's possible.
RIP Iron Lady.
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